Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tagged Again....

List 3 joys-

My Family, My husband and my car. I would die if I couldn't jump in my car and go.

3 fears-
Losing anyone/anymore of my family, (both Mom and Dad are gone). Not having enough money to make ends meet. Not having my computer. Yikes!

3 obsessions-
blogging, sleeping (bed by 9) and chocolate.

3 surprising facts-
My Brother was knighted by the King of Norway “Sir Pete”.
I was once a spoiled brat. (I know, you would have never guessed).
I have only been married 4 years longer than my 'baby' girl.

(I never realized how boring my life was. That was hard coming up with only 3 or maybe it's because everyone already knows my life story. Nothing would surprise anyone anymore).

Ok who is ready for a tag......Danika, Kelli & Jen or anyone that would like.

Rules: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 obsessions, 3 surprising facts and tag 3 more people on your blog.