Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So I need to go on about camp just a little more. It helps me to remember the neat things that we did.
1st off....I love that Stake Camp is every year. Oh yea, we have already had our 1st meeting for camp 2011. Is that crazy?
All the YCL's went up on Monday and we got things ready for everyone to come on Tuesday. It also gave us a little time to get to know our YCL's. We had 21 on Stake Staff this year.
Every morning we had a morning side. All the speakers were from the stake. One of the ladies that spoke - her husband had been in an awful accident on the farm and is paralyzed. He now goes around and does motivational speaking. She was amazing herself. She talked about realizing that she didn't HAVE TO do all that she does for her husband but that it was a choice. Very powerful! And her choice was to serve him and Him.

Of course we had crafts. Tooele now has the hot dog roasters too. They loved them.
On Wednesday we had a spiritual activity that started at 9:30 PM.
Oh yea....and I didn't even turn into a pumpkin.
We had a garden of Gethsemane. They did a little narration and then Jed spoke at that one for about 2 minutes, music and then the went to the next spot where Jed had built a cross and I had made a crown of thorns. They had a narration, speaker, music and then they all went up to the resurrection. The tree was covered in Christmas lights and they did the same...narration of what took place, speaker, music and then Pres. Drubay sang "Walk Tall". The spirit was amazing. I will always remember that sweet spirit that was there.

We got up early one morning (4:30) and went on a sunrise hike. We sat and watched as light came into the mountains, we listened as the birds sang. It was incredible.

I really liked Iron Chef. The wards are given ingredients up at camp and they have to come up with a dish using all the ingredients. It is judged on taste and looks. This year they had garlic, lemon and strawberries. I got to be one of the judges and let me just tell you.....Some of those wards are good cooks. That was fun.

I almost forgot...how could I ever forget "The Moose".... It goes something like this. 'This is a repeat after me song' Da moose da moose - swimming in the water - eating his breakfast -where does he go? - He goes to sleep - he goes to sleep - he goes to sleep - This is the quiet part -"repeat in a quiet voice" Then it goes to the LOUD part- and then the Sad Part - da moose da moose -floating in the water - he eats no breakfast - where does he go? - He decompose -he decompose - he de com pose...... (LOL)

Best part of all though is going up and being around amazing youth and leaders. I have grown to love Sister Bruns who is so in tune with the spirit. Oh wait...I can't forget destiny. Our Stake President dedicated destiny, a place to go read your scriptures and each day there was a speaker. One of the days they had "When have you felt the Lords love around you". They let girls get up and share times in there lives that they felt our Saviors love. I can not believe all that our youth is going through in their lives. My life was such a fairy tale. I am so grateful to know that my Savior loves me. I know it because of the many times I have felt his presents, His arms around me, helping me with my heavy loads.

I have such a Strong testimony of girls camp. I truly believe that it is where many girls have 'life changing' moments. I am so grateful for the theme this year "The Lord is My Light". For I know that He is my light. I could not do what I do without him in my life. He is my Savior and my Redeemer and I love Him with all my heart.

Thanks girls for a great girls camp and I thank My Father in Heaven for knowing my desire to continue being with the youth and allowing me to go to camp with them.