Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blessing of the Gospel

Today in our church we had a missionary talk to us.
She started her talk by saying some of the reasons
that she was grateful for being a member of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It brought tears to my eyes (okay for those of
you who know me know that it is not hard for me
to cry. I do believe it runs in the Peterson family,
you know hereditary). It was very powerful for me to
hear this today and thought that this was something
that I really wanted to do too. But before I do, I
thought I would just say how powerful this missionary
is. I am at aw of her testimony and spirit she carries
with her especially because she has only been a member
of the Church for 2 years. WOW!

I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints because:

1.I know that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who
loves me.
2.I know that I am here on earth for a reason
3.I know that I can pray to my Heavenly Father anytime
4.I know that I can ask for a priesthood blessing when
ever I need.
5.I know that I will one day, return to my Heavenly Father
6.I will one day be with my Mom and Dad again
7.I know that if I live a righteous life, I will be with my
family for eternity
8.I am to be able to attend the Temple and feel close to my
Father in Heaven
9.I know that this is the true church
10.I know that President Monson is a living Prophet
11.I know that Joseph Smith is also a true Prophet
who restored the gospel in these latter days.

With the knowledge of all these things that I am so
grateful for, it helps me be a better person, mother,
wife, friend and example. I pray each day that when
people get to know me or watch my actions, they will
know that I am a member for the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints and that I do stand as a witness
of Him at all times, in all things and in all places.
I am so grateful to my parents who brought me up in
the Church and were examples to me. I am grateful to
a daughter who stands for truth and righteousness and
is a great example to me. Who took me by the hand and
lead me back to the church along with my sweet brothers
and sisters that never gave up on me and always showed me
love. For my children (all of them) that gave me a reason
to go on. I am so blessed.


Jen said...
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Jen said...

You are right, Sonja. When people see you they DO see the gospel. You radiate that light in everything you do.

I am so grateful to have known you these many years and that I have a great example of a valiant sister to observe!

Warner Family said...

You are wonderful. I love your testimony. It always lifts me up and helps me to grow. Thank you

Kodelle said...

What a beautiful testimony.