Tuesday, May 20, 2008

1) What was your favorite calling? Absolutely, the one
I have right now. I love the Young Women. MMMmmmm maybe
it's because I don't ever want to get old(er)

2) what was your least favorite calling? Passionate service.
I found out how (un)passionate I was OUCH!

3) What was the calling you struggled with the most? 1st
Councilor in RS Felt very inadequate

4) what was your first calling? Primary teacher for
the 10-12 year old girls.

5) What calling are you serving in now? How long?
YW Stake Pres. 34 months

6) What was the calling you had for the longest?
How Long? The one I have right now 34 months

7) What calling did you serve in the shortest?
How Long? Not really sure but I think it was
passionate service about 1 year

8) What was a calling your spouse had that you
liked the best? Why? High Council. He loved his
calling and that make a huge difference. Plus he
loved working with our Stake Presidency.

9) What was the calling your spouse had that was
hardest for you? You know, he loves to serve so
none have been hard for me because when he serves~he
is happy.

10) What is the calling that you would like? Your
dream calling? I have it right now and I am loving
it. The best part is working with not only the YW but
the great leaders like Kelli, Rainbow, etc.

11) What are the other callings you've had that you
didn't mention yet? Visiting teaching

Thanks Kelli, that was fun thinking back and it
made me realize how blessed I am.


COOLWHIP said...

I had forgotten some of my long ago callings.
I didn't realize you'd been in for almost 3 years. does it just fly?