Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Susan

April for us has really turned into "the birthday month" and one of my goals is to make sure that I remember them. That seems to be Hugh for me the older I get~remembering them.
I know I have said many times that I have an amazing family, but I really do. Each one of them has touch my life in so many ways. The example they have shown me are great. So I just want to share them with you all, just a little at a time.
Today is my sister Susan's birthday.
I remember as a little girl her coming down and reading 'brar fox and brar bear' to me. I loved it! She always told the best stories. I think she got that from my mom cause I remember mom telling stories too.

Susan in 1956 Isn't she cute!

There was a time in my life that my parents were worried about some of the choices I was making (I know that is very hard to believe, but true). Susan and Mark were living in Arizona at that time. We went down to visit for thanksgiving and I was left there. Being a teenager, I thought my life was being ruined. Little did I know what a blessing it was for me to be with her and her cute family.

If someone would ask me if I knew a perfect family, I would have to say "yes, Susan and Marks". I don't ever remember her raising her voice to her children, and she has 8 of them. Mark served in the army so they moved like every 3 years all around the world. They have served as Mission President in the Rochester New York Mission and are now serving in the MTC presidency and Susan has gone back to school at BYU. I am proud to say that she is an A student. (she didn't get that from me).

I would have to say one (yes just one) of her greatest accomplishments is her family. Talented, loving, giving, beautiful and all very active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Their baby girl Liz just returned from an honorable mission in Spain. Welcome home Liz.

See, I really do have an amazing family.
Happy Birthday Susan. I love you!