Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yard Sale......

So Jed was out with the boy scouts from the 10th ward on an overnighter last night which means..."I can't sleep". Maybe that was a good thing though. I got up at 3:30, yes a.m. and got ready to go to the yard sale. When I walked out of the house it was snowing. I wasn't going to let that stinkin snow get to me. I was in it rain or snow. Thank goodness when I got out of Toolee - no snow. I'm not sure how happy Tim Jones was to see me at 5:45 with hot chocolate in my hands and ready to go but I was ready to go. (So glad you love me). They dropped me off up at the school and I started to set up the yard sale. We had 2 people stop before we were set up. It was still dark out side. The one lady was from Sandy and said she had read it in the news paper. She got a killer deal on some porcelain dolls cause I had no clue how much to charge her. It was still dark and she made the comment " I knew I should have brought my flash light". LOL I guess the early risers really know how to shop these yard sales. The other shopper just donated money.
Can I just tell you how overwhelming it was to see people come and donate stuff and $$. When people found out what the cause was, they didn't want their change back.

Tim's work donated about $2,000 worth of tools for this.

We had clothes and more clothes....

I was totally blown away....I cried! yep me ;) I love watching the community pull together.

One time I went up to a group of ladies and started to tell them why we were doing the yard sale and the one girl turned and said "I know, I am the donor". Yep....I cried again! Maybe I needed more sleep but I will have to say I am humbled. Amber was right by my side the whole day helping. She is amazing! Amber, I sure hope you know what a great example you are to me. I am not so sure I would be as strong as you so I guess Jed had better just stay healthy!

Some of the things that were donated were new. Some people had hand made. And then the home made bread that I wish I would have hid before it was sold :(
You know we didn't see one 8 track. I was really surprised at how much was gone by 1.

I just want to thank everyone that was there and helped with this. If I started to name names I am afraid that I would forget someone "yea-I am quit forgetful". You know who you are. Thank you thank you thank you. You are all truly amazing. I pray that you will always be taken care of.
I do need to acknowledge Desi. You are amazing Des! Thank you and Tim for all the time and effort that you put into this. I love you tons.


sully said...

Sonja, Need I remind you of MY earlier post? Maybe we should call us even and thank Jesus for being OUR example! Love you lots:)