Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I lost my focus for a few minutes....

So I am suppose to be studying for my lesson for primary on Sunday and came a crossed this blog tag. Can you see how focused I am? I thought I would post it anyways.....

I am...a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me! And that makes it all worth it.
I think...endless, random thoughts. (maybe I should be reading my lesson)
I heart...My Family, the gym, and blog stocking!
I dance...d. That was in my past life
I want...a million dollars so that I could take my whole family on a vacation to Norway.
I have...the BEST husband EVER.
I am scared of...spiders.
I hate...mean people that pick on anyone.
I youth, living at home with my parents. Carefree days
I write...ummm, in my blog. That's about the extent of it.
I wish...I were wealthy so that I could take care of all my families needs
I it would be bee's. Way to many at the park today

I tag anyone who wants to play along.....