We had fun trying to pack the snow to make a snow man. It just wasn't packable but we were determined. This is about as big as we could make it.Check out the mouth. Lol...big like mine.
They were pretty cold so we didn't last to long. Maybe we can finish tomorrow when all of the cousins come and play.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Once there was a snow man......
Posted by Sonja at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
1st day with the boys....
They are finally here. I have had the day off and I am so glad....the weather is awful but the boys are doing good. We have played and done laundry all day. They sure have a lot of clothes. I think I might visit DI's soon.
I sure hope that they go to bed early tonight. I just might be too old to play all day :)
DCFS came out today and passed us all off. Crazy, I didn't think we would do it. I am always amazed at how much my Father in Heaven takes care of us. I sure love him!
Posted by Sonja at 3:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I am so excited! Today was court. (not excited about court) It ended good. The Judge placed Ron and Isaiha in our custody. It is only temporary because they are still working on re-unification with the parents. I was so proud of Timmy today, even the Judge acknowledged that Tim has done what he has been asked to do. He only has a few hard things to complete. You know, things like getting a job so he can get a place of his own so he can support the boys etc. etc. I know he can do it. He has come a long way. He does have to move out and Desi has been so good to let him come stay with her. They are going to allow Jed and I to do the supervised visitation for both Heather and Timmy. With the Holiday's coming upon us that means that we are going to be able to have Timmy with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am so glad. I was so worried about Tim being alone for the holidays.
We get the boys Monday night. shewwww, we have a lot to get done before Monday. Did you read my post about only in Tooele. Well, it still looks the same along with some safety issues that we need to take care of. It just seems like there is not enough hours in the day. Now that the sun goes to bed at 5, I think I have to too. LOL...and my kids thought I was bad going to bed at 9. I am sure that things will fall into place.
Once again I have to acknowledge Heavenly Fathers hand in my life. He has blessed me so much. I am so grateful for all He does for me. I hope and pray that I can accomplish those things that I promised Him I would do.
I also have to thank all my family for the love and support they have been. My kids have been so great and supportive through all of this....and we are not done yet but THANK YOU! Heavenly Father gave me a great family too. See.....
Posted by Sonja at 4:48 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I wanted to share some amazing things that have happened in between our nightmare. I have had some amazing (spiritual) things happen to me in my life time and this one is right up there.
I have spent many hours praying for guidance. I have hit "I don't think I can take this any longer" point and opened up the scriptures. You know, you all have done this when you plop open the scriptures to get some kind of inspiration. Well that's what I did and this is what page it opened up to.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I love how my Heavenly Father talks to me! (you would think I would spend all my time reading the scriptures). It left such a sweet feeling knowing that everything is in His hands. I am not sure the time table of this but it was close to this experiences when I had a dear friend tell me his mother was an attorney. Her specialty "family law". The next thing I knew he had her on the phone with me and we talked. I will keep her nameless but this attorney is well known. I thought even if she just made a few calls to let the state know we mean business, that would do wonders. Not only has she made calls but she turned up at DCFS for our appointment.
Now this I had to smile at. I LOVE this woman.
DCFS - you can't be in her
Attorney - oh yes I can
DCFS - you will have to leave
Attorney - I am not leaving. I have every right to be here.
DCFS - We will have to include every one's attorney if you stay.
Attorney - That's fine, I'm not leaving.
Guess what, she stayed. I loved it.
I just have not had a good experience with DCFS. They are not my friend! They have treated us like trash and now, all of a sudden, they are treating us like we are people.
I will have to say that she was heaven sent. I was at my end. I figured that we had lost those boys and now we may have a little hope. We will find out on Tuesday where they are going to place them and yes, my new best friend will be right by my side.
Do I know that my Heavenly Father loves me? YES! He has been so good to me. I am so grateful for His hand in my life. I know that He is aware of our struggles. I trust Him. I testify of Him. I love Him! I know He will lead me by my hand. I am okay with what ever happens on Tuesday because I know it is His will.
Posted by Sonja at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
Only in Tooele
So It is time to do something with our bathrooms. The sad thing is, they both need a remodel desperately. Jed asked me if I could live with out a shower for a while. Baths are okay but I prefer showers. So while he is taring down my bathroom with a shower....He has made me a little make-shift shower. Now stop your laughing! It works :)
Yes Amber, this is the infamous bath tub for all my animals and kids. LOL....
I just had to share.
Posted by Sonja at 6:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
We had such a nice day today. First I have to show off the bow that Desi made for Bailee. So cute!Now on to business. Derrik and Meagan blessed Bailee today. A long time coming and so glad to see the day come. Derrik works nights and we don't get to be with him at church very much so it was so nice to have him with us and hear his testimony. I am so proud of him!
Jed's sister Jozette had made Bailee a blessing dress last year. We were going to go get her a new dress but Desi had suggested that she try on the dress Jozette had made for her.
She did and it fit! She looked so cute in her dress.
Derrik gave Bailee such a nice blessing.
It was so much fun to have family and friends come and join us for this special day. I hope you all know how much we appreciate all the love and support that you show Derrik and Meagan. Thanks to Mom, Lynda, Colleen, Julie and Dave for come in too. I know how busy Sunday's can be. We love you guys!!
It was fun to have Mom and Lynda with us. This was their ward when they lived here and so it was fun to see everyone excited to see them.Families are the best! I am so blessed to have my family and all of the support. I am grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that one day we will be able to go home and be with my Heavenly Father. That we will be together forever. I am so blessed!!
Posted by Sonja at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday night we got to go and listen to Desi and many friends from Magna sing up at the Assembly Hall at Temple Square. WOW, talk about angels singing. It was beautiful!
Sunday was the Lake Ridge 10th wards primary program. What can I say "angels" again. The program was so good and the spirit was so strong. Children are truly amazing. The kids looked so cute (as always). I always like going back home and visiting all my friends in the 10th ward. We will always have a special place in our hearts for that ward.Aren't they precious!!
We had Shane's wife make bows to match the girls dresses. I love the bows! and the kids!!It was such a nice day. I love Sundays - I love being with family - I love my amazing daughter! She does so much for us. She is so talented and I wish I had half her energy. Thanks Desi & Tim for a great weekend.
Who would have thought that Halloween could be such a spiritual day.
Posted by Sonja at 6:49 PM 0 comments