Sunday, June 10, 2012

14 Year Anniversary

14 year Anniversary Getaway

This last weekend Jed and I took off and went to Salt Lake City, Utah. Yep, you read it right. We filled up at Lake Point and when we returned today the gas was just below the full mark. It was so fun!  We left on Friday and checked into the Little America Hotel. Jed had never been to City Creek. (dang the bad luck)!  He always tells me that he would rather have his hand slammed in the car door than go shopping but hey, new mall, little money, who could ask for more.  I think he enjoyed City Creek (not so much the shopping) and then we went to Macaroni Grill for dinner. I had a gift certificate that I got for Christmas so we used that.  And yes we walked.:)

Saturday we got up and walked to the Temple. Had breakfast and then went through a session. What a nice way to start the day. When we got back to the hotel we both decided that we wanted to hike Ensign Peak. Oh wait!
Highlight of our Friday night shopping?
Harmon's! Yep Grocery store.
Penny was right.WOW that is a nice store. Ok back to where I was.
We stopped off at Harmon's for snacks and went and hiked Ensign Peak

No mud this time. Time to take the family back up for family night. It was fun!

We then went to Gateway (another hand slammed in the door) and we go a nice cover for my new ipad Jed got me. I haven't really dared use it for fear I would drop and break it. Now it has a nice cover :) YEP I am spoiled!!

Then we were drawn back to the Salt Lake Temple. We walked around the temple grounds and watched the little video clips and just enjoyed the atmosphere. It was nice to just be together.

After all the walking we had done we needed a nap so we napped ate and went and sat in the hot tub. I could really get use to this.

Sunday we got up and yes of course we went to the breakfast buffet. That was the best part of being at Little America. We ended our little mini trip by going to church over at our old ward in Magna. It is always so nice to visit and of course be with the Jones family.

Heavenly Father must really love me! I could not ask for a better husband!! He is so good to me. I just hope that Jed feels the same. I am so grateful to know that we will be together for eternity. Let see - another 14 years we will be 66.  Here is to another 14 wonderful years with the man of my dreams. I look forward to growing old with him. Happy Anniversary Jed!


Allison said...

Happy 14 years! I love this post! So sweet. I am glad you had a "trip" together even if it wasn't too far.