Here we are almost at the end of September. I have meant to sit down and blog but just haven't. But as I was proofing this blog lol...I noticed the date was September 10th. I did start it on the 10th but did not finish until today, the 25th.
I am now back at work and glad to be working again. They have me working in the counseling center and I am loving it. So far they haven't overloaded me. I love the people that I work with and the atmosphere is good. I am back working with Penny and very glad. I love that lady!
Believe it or not miss Bailee just turned 2. She is so cute. We had the Jones come out and celebrate with cake and ice cream. Jed and I took her to the store and let her pick out her gift. She found this teddy bear chair that she liked and sat on all through the store. When we got out to the car and put it in next to her, you should have seen her eyes. She was so excited that it was coming home with her.Ron recently decided that he wanted to become a barber. I wouldn't have even known except he left the scissors laying on my bathroom counter with the hair in the sink. Silly boy! He must have a little of miss Evva in him.
Labor day we just hung out at the house and ate. I love it when we are all together as a family. We miss Jeddy and Ady. One of these day's they may join us. Who knows.
Timmy has been doing a parenting program. Once a week an advocate, Manuel would come out for a couple of hours to work with him. I was very impressed with him. He understood about parenting. No two kids are the same and each one need to be disciplined different. It was so refreshing to hear that after hearing how you should put them in time out. Sometimes time out doesn't work with all kids. Especially hearing it from state workers that didn't even have kids...or more than one child. Every child is different.
Anywho......Here he is! DONE!! For his last class Manuel had him bake a cake while they studied and then we all celebrated his last class.
We are nearing the end of this nightmare....I hope. We have one more hearing and if all goes well, we will be done. I am very proud of Timmy and all that he has accomplished. We are so glad that we have the boys here with us and now my prayers are that they will be raised knowing that they are loves and they don't need to fear being taken away ever again.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Posted by Sonja at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 8, 2011
Wow....I have really slowed down on blogging. I guess that must mean I am busy or just being lazy. oh well, It's summer and it's going fast!
Saturday was such a special day. I can't believe that Zoee is 8. I remember her in the infant seat of her parents car knocking on the window trying to get her to look up and smile at us before driving off. Desi would just shake her head at us. Now look at how grown up she is. . . and how beautiful she is. It was fun to have Kaylee be baptized on the same day. What a sweet girl she is. The other little girl is one of Zoee's good friends. What cute girls.
Desi had a lot of pictures taken of her for her baptism. I will have to take time and post some of them. The all turned out so beautiful.
These girls have been friends since high school days. It's fun to see that the still keep in touch.
Zoee had a little tea party after the baptism. It was so much fun.
Lot's of fun gifts but always special when you get your very own set of scriptures.
What a special day!
I am so proud of her and love her so much!!
on to the next....
All of our goat's have had there picture taken on the side of our house so I had better post one of Tawnii. She had her horns burned off and she did so good. She still dances around, it didn't change her personality like it did Billy and Jezz. I am so glad.
job update:
Today I went in to Cyprus High and applied for a job in the counseling center. Crazy-I know. I am just so ready to go back to work. I have put in applications all over the place and nothing yet. We will have to see what happens. That would mean that I could be back to work as soon as next week.
Posted by Sonja at 3:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2011
What an amazing experience we had this past week at trek. It was one of the hardest things I have done in a long time but oh so worth it. Yes, I would do it again. We started out at 4 am Saturday morning. The kids all rode on school buses. We were hauling a trailer so we were in Jed's truck until....we got to the top of Parleys. Yep, we broke down. Jed was sure that the motor was toast. Pres. Droubay was behind us thank goodness. He stopped and they hoked on the trailer and took Carrie and Patric and we turned around and came home to grab our Xterra. We hurried as fast as we could back, we didn't want to miss anything. When we got to Evanston Wyoming we found out that one of the buses had broke down so we were not the last ones.
First stop - Martins Cove
We all arrived safely, even the broken down bus people. We went up to Dan's Cove and then did the river crossing. We camped over night at a camp ground.
Sacrament meeting was amazing. What a great opportunity we had to have the sacrament out in the open with all of the youth. We then got to walk into Martins Cove and feel the spirit that was there. We then loaded up the buses and headed over to Sage Campground to set up for the night. That night was crazy. Rain, thunder, lightning, scarred kids, soaked tents, no sleep for the people in tents. Thank goodness Jed and I were in a trailer "roughing it" LOL....
14 miles to trek. Most people had no sleep. Ground was so muddy that it felt like 10 lb weights on the bottom of our feet. We still rolled out. We had 2 groups - the Smart group and the Droubay group. I was in the 1st group. I was so glad. I don't even know where to start.
Women's pull WOW. They had a speaker talk to us. Her husband is a paraplegic. He spoke to the men and she spoke to the women. She is so amazing. She talked about the story of Jens Jensen who was a big man and his wife a tiny woman that carried him in the hand cart because he was to sick. Then talked about our trials and are we going to be strong and faithful like this mans wife. After she spoke to the second group she did the women's pull and carried her husband up the hill in the handcart.
The 1st was awful! It was so muddy and hard for the kids to go through. One group lost there lunch in the mud. They tried to save some of it. They were worried about what they were going to eat at lunch time. 10 hours is a long time to go with out food on a 14 mile hike. When we stopped for lunch we found out that they had not packed lunch for support. It was amazing how everyone pulled together and both the family and support staff were fed and fed well.
I have never walked so far and wanted so badly to be to the end. It was hard! When I reached almost the end, Jed ran up and met me and walked the last 1/2 mile with me. We went back to camp and helped with dinner.
I was so tired that I told Jed "I have to go rest". He said "if you feel the trailer move, don't worry, we are just taking it to the parking lot for the night. So here I am resting and I hear the door close. "no prob, they are just going to park". The truck starts up and it drives up the hill and then over some cattle guards and drove on and on (it felt like forever) I start to freak. I grabbed my phone and text Jed "WHERE ARE THEY TAKING ME"? I then called him and he said, "they just pulled into the parking lot". Shewwww! Then I hear them all talking outside the trailer. Jed "did you know my wife was in the trailer"? OMG I thought they were all going to die laughing. It was quit the experience. Steve apologized over and over again. I thought it was funny-after it was over. A ride I will always remember.
Dirty, hot, tired, burned, I was ready to come home. Not ready to face the trial of a truck. Not knowing what we were going to do. We don't have the money to buy a new truck. We worried! It took Jed a while to take a look at his truck. I was getting ready to bite the bullet and apply for a loan. When he finally looked at it, it wasn't as bad as he thought. He was able to fix it. I know it was a trial, maybe even apart of the trek experience but I feel like we were blessed.
I am so grateful for what we have. I don't think I could have been a pioneer but I do know that they suffered so that they could worship the way that they wanted to so I could too. I am so thankful to them.
Sorry such a long post, I just don't want to forget this grate opportunity that we had. Life changing!!
Posted by Sonja at 2:02 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Where did June go?
I guess it is okay that I have been slacking on blogging cause I really have been busy this month. Thank goodness for camera's so I can keep track of things.
Of course 1st...Desi's birthday. I can still remember taking her home from the hospital. Wasn't that just yesterday? She was so beautiful and more beautiful now. I always enjoy when we get family time. Thank goodness those day's of not being with family are now over. Tim and Desi have been such a great strength to us during our last 6 months of our trials. I truly was blessed when she came into my life! MMmmm she was even an easy delivery :)On fast Sunday we all meet at our old home ward to bless Timmy's little girl Shelby. I can't believe how much she looks like Isaiha. She is so cute!
Then preparing for girls camp. 1st night up there with the YCL's it rained and then came the rainbow. You can't see it in this picture but it was a double rainbow. Oh My was beautiful.
Here is our cute little tent ( I kept calling my cabin). Last year for us setting it up in this spot. Next year we are finding flat ground. Poor Jed. And he thought his back hurt before camp.
Family night with the YCL's was a blast. Have you ever seen the show minute to win it? I hadn't even heard about it until our camp director had us think up some games. Here Steve had to knock over the bottles with his cute little tail in a minute.
This is our Stake Camp Director. What an amazing lady she is. I am trying to absorb all I can from her. Quick story....2 weeks before girls camp we were all called into Pres. Droubay's office to talk about girls camp.
Pres. D.....Sister Bruns, what are we going to do about girls camp
Sister B......We are going
Sister B...Friendship Meadows
Pres.....You do know that the last report we got was 18 inches of snow and it has snowed twice since?
Sister B....Yes
Pres....So let's be realistic.
Sister B.....WHERE IS YOUR FAITH!End of story.....We went to Friendship Meadows. NO SNOW! Ground Dry. Talk about Faith!!
Here is our cute Pres. D. What a sport he is. He was covered in shaving cream and the ycl had a minute to stick at least 8 fruit loops to his face.Yea, I got to do it to Jed too....LOL it was a blast :D
Tuesday Morning: Theme for this year was CEREAL
LivesWe all chose a cereal. These were lucky charms.
These cute girls were Life cereal. Love the earrings!
Here are our cute YCL's. We had such a good group of girls this year. NO DRAMA...yep
We bonded. I even remembered all of there names. That's good for me.
Here is the group..
Camp directors....
Our ward....
I love our girls. Anna is such a crack up!
The priesthood brethren are such good sports.
how can anyone take you seriously?
We had a dance
And we were the Froot Loops. Our slogan was "You toucan be faithful"
Pebbles....the 19th ward. Our ward! Check out, even Meagan was with us this year.
Yes, that is a diaper on his face. You know those stinkin skit bags.
All in all it was a fun camp. 6 mile hike and all.
Then we had Meagans birthday. Once again we are so blessed to have her in our family!!My highlight was going to spend time with my cute Zoee and her school at Hollywood connection. I got to watch over these cute 3.
Little golf, rides, games and
at the end I think they were a little tires. Me too! It was so fun to be with Zoee. I am glad she had invited me to go.
Now my focus is on trek. I finished the journals and took them into the printers. Fingers crossed - I hope they will turn out good. The lady at the printers said that I had done a good job. That was nice to hear. I have been working on them now for 3 months. If anyone is going on trek and needs a journal....I have one all ready for you.
Things are looking good on our home front. If all goes well, Tim will get full custody back with in the next 3 months. Then it's back to life and ...Grandma day!
Posted by Sonja at 6:45 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
It was so nice of the sun to come out for a while so that we could get our poor chickens out of their little crate and into their home.
No, these are not my chickens but I haven't posted a picture of my goats for a long time so I just had to show you all that they are still just a hanging around. The one on the right is our mischievous goat. He thinks that the pasture is greener on the other side of the fence. I think Timmy had to chase him down three times today. He goes over to our neighbors and hangs with their goats all the time. We are about ready to just give him to them. The one on the left is our princess Jezzabell. Poor goat is the only girl out of the four. She is our pigmy goat and the smallest of them all. Ok, back to the chickens. They have gotten so big.
We have ten of them. They were so glad to get out into the open. It was fun just watching them in their new house.
Every time Jed would come home from work it seemed like it was always raining. We didn't dare just put them out back for fear the wild animals around here would get them. So he didn't get the coop done until tonight. He still has some work to do on it but it's close enough.
The boys had fun playing out back with the goats and chickens and tractors. When we put them in bed tonight, I didn't hear a peep. Oh except for Tweeter. She slept outside for the first time last night. I don't think she liked that so tonight she came up to the door early so that we wouldn't leave her outside. She is now tucked into her crate with clean pine chips, water and food. She's a pretty spoiled little dog...oh I mean duck.
Then there is Karl. Just like a kid, he has to be in Jed's back pocket all the time. Every time he turns around Karl is right there. Ya just gotta love the animals. LOL....who would have thought!
Posted by Sonja at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Computer up again.....
I am going to admit it. I am addicted to my computer. I didn't think I was going to live not being able to look at blogs, facebook and email. That is the 1st step, right?
Just to catch up on a few things around here.
I am very proud of Derrik. He has been out of the Gifts Program now for 10 years. I got a call from the school and they are going to recognize him for his accomplishments since leaving the Gifts Program. We are going to go up the the graduation on Wednesday where they will honor him.Last weekend Jed, Derrik and Timmy got to go to our wards Fathers and son's outing with all the boys. I was so lost without the kids I didn't know what to do with myself. I will say it was nice :) just for a moment.
Now for the up-date on Tweeter. MY BABY IS GROWING UP! This duck has personality! He has finally made friends with Chloe and Rosie and doesn't want to hang with me anymore. I put her out the other day and she loved it. They all started hanger together. When it got dark, Tweeter came up to the door and wanted in so, I let her in. The next day I took her out again and then when it got dark I heard her chirp so I asked Timmy to go bring her in. It took him a minute to catch her but finally caught her and brought her in. Well....Today I finally decided that she would spend her first night out with the big ducks. I cleaned up her bed and put it away. Well not to long ago - yep, a chirp came to my back door. I opened up the door and here she came a waddling in. LOL.... I still think she thinks she's a dog.
Graduation time is here. Our kindergarten gets out a week earlier than the rest of the school. Isaiha has got the best bus driver. Every morning he would get on the bus and the first thing he would do is go give Lenard a big hug. He was so cute with Isaiha.The graduating class of 2023 WOW.
Once again he had the best teachers ever. I love these ladies. Ms. Wilson is moving schools next year. I am so sad to see her go. She was the best thing for Isaiha. The nice thing is the SE teacher he will have next year is a lady in our ward. I visit teach her. That is the only reason I didn't go down to the district and tell them they can't move her. She will be missed!
Isaiha was so excited to get his certificate. Just watch how cute he was. It was fun to be a part of his kindergarten year. I didn't realize just how attached I got.
I keep hoping that the boys stay here for a long while. They have settled in so well. It's nice to have Tim home with us again too. Maybe we are coming to the end of this awful trial.
Posted by Sonja at 8:55 PM 0 comments